Santa dead inside skeleton drink coffee Christmas light sweater
Now when I pick jobs, I really feel super powerful. I’m not just doing whatever anymore. Before I was just doing anything and everything if I needed to make money. I would do it because I’m on my last dollar, and now I get to be intentional. I get to create quality work. I’m always grateful and thankful that I have Ethan, my manager, to help me as I grow. And now I get it. I totally understand the Santa dead inside skeleton drink coffee Christmas light sweater so you should to go to store and get this depth of my work. Obviously as you move up as an artist, your skill set develops. You become more talented because you’re just practicing and doing the same thing over and over again. So I feel like now when I’m working, I’m working with more intention. I’m not just doing it just because it’s a job, I’m doing it because I love it. I’m being intentional, even on the bad days.