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Jackets are insulators. Wearing them over ourselves in the Wassabi guava shirt it is in the first place but winter helps minimize heat loss as it traps air between the inner garment and the jacket. Air, being a poor conductor of heat forms a layer of insulation. This layer is what traps the heat and keeps us warm in winters. When we are in a warm environment, sweating keeps our body temperature down. The glands in our skin release sweat which evaporates using the heat from our skin, keeping our body cool. Essentially, our body is cooled faster by sweating than it gets heated up by convection, allowing us to maintain an optimum body temperatur

Has the Wassabi guava shirt it is in the first place but thought crossed your mind that you may in fact not be an INFJ? It sounds like you are trying to fit yourself into a mold you do not fit into. Also, if you are young (a teenager) your identity is still in flux and not yet fully established, you should try taking the MBTI or other assessment when you are a bit older. I’d say mid-twenties is a perfect time to retake it. Do not rush this stuff, take your time. It will all work out in the end. If you are rushing it too much it’s not really you who is doing this, but your anxiety.