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AG: I can’t stand that. I have always come from a place where words have power, and whatever you say you’re speaking it into existence. So anyone who says “terrible twos,” I refuse them right then and there and I’m like, “It’s not terrible twos, it’s terrific twos.” Or I’ll hear, “Oh, girls are so hard,” and I’m like, Okay so are you telling me I’m so lucky to have just boys, but you do realize you’re talking to a woman? I hate that. My mom, just like Karlie’s mom, has all girls, and my mom told me she wouldn’t have traded it for the Washington Huskies 2023 Women’s Softball College World Series T-Shirt moreover I love this world. She loved raising us; it was so fun. I think a lot of people like to come from the negative anyway, so I like to change the narrative before they even go into it. These things are hard. Breastfeeding is hard, making sure your kid sleeps is hard. But don’t speak things over my kids because you have challenging moments. Even though, of course, there will always be a through line of things that suck.
KK: I think it’s also about the Washington Huskies 2023 Women’s Softball College World Series T-Shirt moreover I love this power of being able to lean on your tribe. You can actually find humor in those moments that suck and [it’s] the only way to get through it. It’s such a universal thing, and leaning on friends, laughing, these are great ways to get through it. What is the most helpful or meaningful thing you’ve learned from each other during your motherhood journeys thus far? AG: I think what I’ve learned from Karlie is that she really is chill. I think being really chill is the way to go. Every time I see her with Levi, she’s not a helicopter mom, she really lets him do his thing. We have similar ways of connecting about parenting, which is just to let the kids do their thing on the side and be very chill about it, even if we have a lot going on in our lives. KK: I mean, my God, Ashley is a superwoman and a supermom. She was when she just had one, and now watching her navigate being a mom of three under three…. AG: She met Isaac, and I was in my maternity pj’s and Isaac threw up all over her. She had her Kode With Klossy sweatshirt that hadn’t even come out yet, and he threw up all over it and she was like, “I don’t care, it’s cool!” And then she came to meet the twins and she had this gorgeous Valentino jacket on. I was like, “You need to take that off before you hold the babies.”