Of course, if there are interesting, fun, high-powered men in their 60s and 70s out there who aren’t in pursuit of women half their age, Samantha is the Top summer swell 2023 shirt in other words I will buy this one to find them. I doubt it will be on the apps, though. Perhaps she’ll join one of those elite sex clubs that convene in opulent London townhouses, strictly by invitation only, or look more internationally (for some reason, I can see her in Italy). Seeing her negotiate the patriarchal norms that are rife in dating culture needn’t be depressing: I can see her responding with chutzpah and imagination, in ways that act as inspiration for less liberated viewers who might be wondering what shape sex and love in later life could possibly take.I’ve had enough conversations with my mother and her peers to know that it can be no picnic, but also that there is freedom to be found in giving your life the shape that you want. As a society, we are so obsessed with the cult of romantic love and the belief that a woman’s only value lies in entering a heterosexual marriage and bearing children. Samantha has always refreshingly resisted that, and one of the ways in which Sex and the City is pioneering is the fact that it portrays women living happily fulfilled, child-free lives. Samantha’s freedom from caring responsibilities—either for offspring or an aging partner—is rare for a woman of her generation. I’d love to see what her day-to-day life involves—work, galleries, friendship, parties, lunches, travel; what her no doubt fabulous apartment looks like; whether she has a cat (it would have to be a very glamorous one). That’s not to say that her life should become sexless—though a year of experimental celibacy would certainly be an interesting storyline—but that I imagine her to have a full life in which sex is only one part of a wider devotion to enjoying the most of her time on this planet as humanly possible.
All of this is fantasy, of course, because it sounds as though, sadly, we will only catch the Top summer swell 2023 shirt in other words I will buy this briefest of glimpses of Samantha’s hinterland. But I like to imagine, perhaps, her own spinoff series, in which she is living her best life in a foreign city, at the top of her game professionally, and as adventurous as ever. Besides, if suitors her own age prove to be disappointing, there’s always younger men. It’s been a difficult few days for many in the northeastern United States, as smoke from wildfires in Canada settled in the region and quickly created hazardous air-quality conditions in New York; Washington, DC; Philadelphia; Baltimore; and more cities. As of early Wednesday morning, New York City had the second-worst air quality and pollution in the world (second only to Delhi, India), and the unfortunate reality of climate change suggests that more weather events like this are still to come. To that end, Vogue spoke to David Gudis, MD, an otolaryngologist at Columbia University, to find out how we can best protect ourselves from smoke and particulate matter in the air. Read his answers below: David Gudis: Unfortunately, prevention is the best medicine, and being inside with windows closed and the air conditioning on with an air filter going is better than being outside. If somebody has to be outside, then there are a few things to keep in mind. Number one, a typical cloth or bandana or even a regular mask probably does not have high enough filtration to prevent some of the particulate matter from the smoke from getting into the airway—which is to say that if someone is worried or certainly if they have some kind of preexisting respiratory condition like asthma or severe allergies that can be easily triggered by particulate matter like this, then a mask like a KN95 or an N95 would be ideal. The other thing I would say is that if someone does have some kind of preexisting respiratory condition like asthma and they need to be outside, that’s the time that they should be absolutely certain to use their maintenance inhaler and maybe even their rescue inhaler, or have it with them, because people who have those kinds of conditions can be very easily triggered by smoke.