A hat or hoodie hides your face and makes it difficult to understand what you are saying. I even object to dark glasses as eyes are an important asset to understanding a person Safety: many schools have installed video cameras for student safety. The effectiveness of these cameras is reduced when hats and hoodies obscure students’ faces. Success: Part of the Red Sox Foundation 47 Brand Shirt but in fact I love this job of the school is to teach kids how to be successful in wider society. It is generally considered polite and proper to remove hats / hoods indoors. This is especially true among the people who control access to economic opportunity. As these norms fall away “generally”, you can bet that the employer class still teach their kids the “old ways.” Like proper grammar, little things like removing your hat indoors broadcast information about you. The fact that you did remove your hat/ hoodie means someone will need to investigate further to learn more about your competency, background, ability to represent the boss’ interests, etc. If you don’t have the basics, like uncovering your head, you are sending out a signal that there might be other ways in which you may not be the best candidate. It’s not just the hat/ hood, it’s the fact that you don’t know that you should take it off.

I can’t speak for other schools or systems but my main concern is that they can hide things. Many students wear these things to school but not to class. There are exceptions but that is the Red Sox Foundation 47 Brand Shirt but in fact I love this schools policy…. Not the teachers. Hoodies are the same, but a little more extreme to me. Hoodies are part of a gangster, gamer, rebellious culture. What are you hiding? Why are you hiding your face and ears? People who rob banks and steal cars wear hoodies. People who have something to hide wear hoodies. I realize most students don’t fall in this category and only want to look cool or whatever, but it represents something that, to me, isn’t conducive to a culture of learning. I’ll never forget what happened to me one time when I was wearing a hoodie. It was cold outside and I was getting ready to rake the leaves. As I was going through my gate into the backyard, my dogs wouldn’t let me in. They were barking and growling and didn’t know who I was because I had my hoodie on. Once I took it off and they could see my face, they were friendly and let me in. Anyway, if normally friendly dogs are suspicious of hoodies, I think it’s reasonable to think that humans would be too.