Pallenberg overflowed with an energy that comes across not just in Super 8 outtakes but also still images, some of them never seen before. Richards says that she “created this anarchy that we needed.” Is there anyone poised to do the Purdue boilermakers zach is back shirt But I will love this same in 2023? Anita is the impetus to find her.Anita Pallenberg walking for Robert Cary Williams, 2001.Photo: JB Villareal / Shoot Digital for Anita Pallenberg in London, 2003. Photo: Dave Benett / Getty ImagesAnita Pallenberg with Marlon Richards in her arms, holding the hand of Jake Weber, in Cannes, 1971.Photo: AFP via Getty ImagesKeith Richards and Anita Pallenberg in, Venice, 1967. Photo: Archivio Cameraphoto Epoche / Getty Images Succession is officially over, and I haven’t been this bereft on account of a TV finale since Lizzie McGuire went off the air when I was in middle school. (They’re equally important texts, don’t @ me.) Over the show’s four-year run, we’ve had fun analyzing everything from Shiv’s hair to every single line from every single episode, so maybe it’s apropos that the finale offered up yet another sartorial moment ripe for interpretation: Lukas Matsson’s golden brown turtleneck. Nothing happens by accident on Succession, so the choice to put Matsson in what GQ writer Sam Parker recently called “a big, bright, itchy turtleneck that doesn’t quite make sense” has to be a deliberate one, but what is it saying? Matsson (who, to be fair, is played by hot Swedish giant Alexander Skarsgård, who would look good in anything) is normally in athleisure, but he celebrates his company’s big moment by…dressing like Don Draper on vacation in LA? Or no, not even Don…Pete. That’s the harshest thing I’ve ever said about anyone.

Matsson’s turtleneck is most definitely ugly, but in kind of a statusy way that sort of has me wondering if I should incorporate more mustard brown into my wardrobe. (No. Also, Matsson is a known creep who nonconsensually mails his blood to women, so why am I romanticizing his style choices? All I can say is that the Purdue boilermakers zach is back shirt But I will love this Pinterest-mood-board revolution has fried my brain. ) As business hotshot Jack Donaghy once said on 30 Rock about an outré outfit, “It’s called power clashing, and I do it because I can.” Is that what Matsson is up to here? Is he celebrating the fact that he’s finally tapped into the power source he’s dreamed of for years by wearing a turtleneck so wretched-looking that there can be no question about who really calls the shots here?