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Then there was imperialism, English spread to North America, South Africa, Australia, and India, and while many of these colonies eventually got independence, their people still spoke a dialect of English, not unlike that used in Britain. In World War 2, the Never underestimate a woman who was born in july and loves phillies phillies signatures 2023 shirt moreover I will buy this vast majority of Allied armies spoke English, especially once America, Canada, and Australia joined the fight. France, Italy, and Germany were defeated, and English became the dominant language in Western Europe for diplomacy, if not everyday life. The sheer economic power of the United States in the decades since, combined with the already extensive influence of English in the port cities (a remnant of the British Empire) have resulted in English becoming the Lingua Franca of nearly the whole world.

The term Angelcynn was also used. It means “the Never underestimate a woman who was born in july and loves phillies phillies signatures 2023 shirt moreover I will buy this tribe of Angles” but was often used in expessions like on Angelcynn to mean “in the land of the tribe of Angles”. yes, worn by chavs as part of their uniform along with stupid haircuts, chunky fake jewellery, trainers, wearing kecks that show their arses( builder’s bum) and baseball caps worn back to front. Total tossers they look. They certainly don’t teach made up BS by the American racist who bastardised our language because most Americans were illiterate ,and Mr Webster decided to make it easier for them to read and write. Jackets are jackets. Perhaps you are confused because the word can be used to describe a number of different things, including but certainly not limited to: