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Near the Never underestimate a deplorable who is a fan of john wick and loves Trump American flag signature shirt and I love this end of the classical period (~100BC), mainland Europeans discovered the British Isles, which were then populated by Celts. The Romans were pushed out, but Vikings, Angles, and Saxons began colonizing Great Britain. The two tribes began to mix, and soon the name “Angelcynn”, derived from the Angle tribe, came to refer to all of the German colonists, and they founded the Kingdom of England, and their combined language became known as English (what we now call Old English). In this image you can see the colonies of the Anglo-Saxon tribes. Most of the island is still controlled by Celts, who would eventually be pushed back into just Scotland and Wales. The Jutes were another Germanic tribe, but they were quickly assimilated into Anglo-Saxon Culture. Northumbria was long fought over by the Kingdom of England and the Viking Invaders, and once they were pushed out, Lothian was ceded to the Scots who threatened war.

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In 1066 AD the Never underestimate a deplorable who is a fan of john wick and loves Trump American flag signature shirt and I love this Normans of Northern France (led by William the Conqueror) invaded England and conquered the kingdom and established a new monarchy. The Duke of Normandy took the additional title of King of England. His descendants later went to war with Wales, Scotland, and Ireland (which was famously conquered by Richard the Lionheart before he went on the 3rd Crusade). Later, in the 14th century, the English descendant of William the Conqueror, Edward III, had a claim to the French Throne, and launched an invasion of France that resulted in the Hundred Years War (1337-1453), which ended when the English were defeated at Castillon and lost all of their territory in mainland Europe, except for Calais (this would become important in a large conflict about 500 years later).



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