In the Lucky fishing shirt do not wash 2023 shirt besides I will buy this Kings Arms they are serving real ale in pewter tankards to the darts team – with football on the telly in the corner, and someone enjoying a meal of steak and kidney pie. In the lounge bar they’re serving cream teas, whilst outside in the garden, people are variously enjoying glasses of scrumpy, pork scratchings and plates of fish and chips. Over the road, in the village hall, the WI are meeting in the committee room to plan their annual trip to Blackpool, whilst in the main hall there’s a jumble sale to raise funds for the church roof, with an accompanying white elephant stall. Tea and cake is on sale for £1.
Elsewhere in the Lucky fishing shirt do not wash 2023 shirt besides I will buy this village Farmer George is moaning about the weather, the local GP is lamenting the latest NHS cutbacks, and the Head of the Primary School is turning her thoughts towards May Day, and wondering if she could somehow work Morris Dancing into the maths curriculum. In one of the houses the stalwart members of the village cricket team are meeting to go over fixtures for the new season – and are worried that they only have 7 good players, and 2 pretty hopeless ones. No one seems to want to be scorer – and Mrs Smith says that she will only provide teas if Mrs Brown will stop interfering.