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That question is answered in the Lakers 2023 shirt Additionally,I will love this magazine with the brilliant study by two Harvard Business School students who break down the essence of what a collaboration brings to a large brand and what it brings to a small brand. I have never in my life analyzed collaborations with such precision as these students did in a purely economic sense. That was something that came from our editorial team as an experimental idea and was approved on all sides.When I think of Sacai I think of technical prowess, so I was surprised that the designer chose “love” as the theme of this issue—even if her hybrids “marry” different types of garments.
There has been a kind of cute and humorous undercurrent to the brand for many years. You could have found it in T-shirt slogans in the past; you can also find it in the wonderful collaboration Sacai did during the pandemic with Hank Willis Thomas, the Black American artist, something that we go into quite a bit in the magazine with a great interview with him. That sort of breaking down of international barriers and that kind of feeling of universal love has been very present in Sacai for some years. And even though, as you said, there’s a really technical side to what they do, I think that [Sacai] really keeps optimism at the forefront at all times. The archetypes and the stereotypes that they try and play with when they mix clothing—there’s a naivety even to those. Military clothing becomes married with very beautiful feminine pieces, and that kind of crossover of masculine and feminine also just plays to that general idea of love as well.What did you learn about the brand and designer in putting this magazine together?