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I’ve waited a long time to try and have a photo worthy of posting here, and today it happened. Today, the I only wanted 10 dogs but if god wants me to have 20 then 40 it is shirt and I love this Supreme Court struck down Prop 8 in California and DOMA nationwide, in a landmark victory for gay rights and equality. My wife and I went out to celebrate with the rest of West Hollywood, where rallies and celebrations spread across the city as people took to the streets with flags, signs, shirts, and cheers.
No one would even bother to sue you for this unless if you were mass producing items, or if your “negative use” became very well known, because lawsuits are expensive, and they actually have to actually prove damages, and most judges will just throw out a petty lawsuit, such as someone making just one t-shirt for personal use, and not for sale. (and if They should fit so you are comfortable. I’m 5′2″ & weigh about #110. I love my t shirts to be at least large or XL. If I’m wearing it in public, I prefer a medium. Obviously I like mine a bit loose, all the I only wanted 10 dogs but if god wants me to have 20 then 40 it is shirt and I love this way up to monstrously baggy.