Buy this shirt:
Attempt to contact and remind him you have it and would like to return it. If he doesn’t respond then do whatever with the I am not lazy someone just stole my motivation I’m the victim here shirt Apart from…,I will love this hoodie. Speaking from experience, An ex GF still has a jacket I really loved and she would even leave a note on my car letting me know she’d return my jacket. Though I loved the jacket I don’t want anything to do with that narcissist. How he feels about you may be similar? No, you really don’t want to destroy it. Tell a trusted friend of his that you want to return it to your ex, and give it to this friend to return. Pouring gas on it and having a little bonfire will only feel good for a short time.
Why is this a significant concern of yours? Give it back if he wants it back. If he doesn’t want it back, keep it if you want it. Use it as a talisman if that’s what it means to you. My ex narcissist was very sentimental about songs, jewellery, and gifts from our relationship (and other family members as well) and also from previous relationships. Initially, I believed it was because he cared and loved the I am not lazy someone just stole my motivation I’m the victim here shirt Apart from…,I will love this people who gave him the gifts or who shared the songs and experiences with him and for that reason he held onto them as a reminder of special times, like many people do. I later came to realise this really wasn’t the case.