I guess both. I’m interested in seeing what comes. But I’d like to play—let’s see how to put this. Sometimes when you’re middle-aged or older, you get sorted into categories: You’re the Death jitsu zero fucks shirt Also,I will get this mother or the boss or the grandmother or something. And I feel like that’s really changing right now for good. But I think the truth is that women whose kids have grown up and who have an empty nest, they’re very vulnerable. They’re bewildered and vulnerable. And people don’t capture that. They often capture women being very set in their ways, and I think that’s a very old bias. I’d love to play a character who’s putting the pieces together. There’s a sort of wide-eyed innocence in spite of being old. I think it’s really interesting, and I feel there’s an audience for it.
One of my very favorite movies. Oh my God, that’s one of the Death jitsu zero fucks shirt Also,I will get this great, great, great parts. Or, I’d love to play a detective who’s putting pieces together, and it’s disarming because they don’t seem like a detective. They seem like someone’s aunt or something; a nice lady in glasses. But meanwhile, they’re very acutely putting everything together. The greatest museum in the Western Hemisphere, The Metropolitan Museum of Art—an encyclopedia of more than two million objects from all parts of the world—is finally, after more than 150 years, coming to terms with modern and contemporary art. Until the late 1940s, The Met simply ignored it. A few modernist works made their way into the collection, and over the years there were gifts and legacies, such as Picasso’s great portrait of Gertrude Stein, that could not be refused. But The Met’s anti-modernist stance held firm until 1967, when the museum got its first department of contemporary art, headed by the irrepressible curator Henry Geldzahler, in two smallish, unprepossessing rooms on the second floor.