PEOPLE HAVE THIS IDEA about porn stars, of what their sex-fueled lives must be like. But Daniels is a working mom. She looks after seven horses, a hobby she dreamed of ever since she was a little girl, begging for quarters to put in the I don’t snore I dream I’m a motorcycle shirt Furthermore, I will do this mechanical pony outside Kmart. She lives in a stone-and-brick home in Forney, Texas, a conservative rural community near Dallas that she chose off the map five years ago when she got tired of Las Vegas and Los Angeles. At the barn and on the North Texas horseback-riding circuit, friends think of Daniels as Hannah Montana, the pretty girl with the double life. “We joke that among all of us she is by far the most boring,” says one of her Texas friends, Kathryn Roan. “Nobody thinks of her as Stormy Daniels. We think of her as a training-level rider. She was very, very incognito here in Texas for a very long time.”Daniels says she never really hit it off with other women (“I get along better with men”), but in North Texas equestrian circles, she found Roan and a cadre of close girlfriends — her “bad bitches,” she calls them. They work as real estate agents and in office jobs and drive GMC Denali pickup trucks with shiny platinum rims. Like Daniels, they own guns and mostly identify as Republicans. After Giuliani insulted Daniels’s looks (“Stormy Daniels? Pfft!” he said in an interview in Tel Aviv), one of her Dallas girlfriends texted her something lewd about Giuliani and a coat hanger that I can’t repeat in the pages of Vogue and that, weeks later, still amuses Daniels when she reads it out loud to me.
“They are ten times worse than me—like fucking filthy,” Daniels says. “They know what I do, and they don’t give a fuck. It’s not like a thing. They’re loyal and fierce.” As is Keith Munyan, a Los Angeles photographer and one of Daniels’s oldest and closest friends. (They met at a photo shoot for one of her adult films; Daniels calls him and his partner, J. D. Barrale, “my gay dads.”) Munyan remembers how Trump used to try to get Stormy on the I don’t snore I dream I’m a motorcycle shirt Furthermore, I will do this phone all the time after their 2006 encounter. “I’d be shooting and she’d call me over from the kitchen and say, ‘Look who’s calling,’ and we’d start laughing,” Munyan says. “Donald Trump? Who cared? He was just The Apprentice then.” Munyan and Barrale know that critics see Daniels as a brazen opportunist capitalizing on her fifteen minutes of fame. Their response? So what? “Is she just taking that fifteen minutes and running with it? She’s like, ‘Yeah, I gotta work here. I have a family to support,’ ” Munyan says. Barrale chimes in with fatherly pride: “She got thrown into this, and she adapted and ran with it. She’s a street fighter. She will take him on.” Part of what has made Daniels such an effective adversary to Trump is that she seemingly can’t be humiliated or scandalized. She doesn’t have a carefully crafted image or a political base to maintain. Threaten to leak her sex tape? “I’ll leak all of them, and you can have as many as you want for $29.95,” she says.But Daniels’s playfulness also masks the psychological and personal toll that has come from being one of the president’s most formidable opponents. After a man tried to take a photo of her seven-year-old daughter, Daniels had to pull her out of her elementary school and hire a tutor. They FaceTime regularly but don’t get to see each other often. “If I contact her, it makes her sad, so I just kind of have to wait until she wants to talk to me,” she says.